JYQ-PM multi-color flat offset printing machine is a new type of flat printing machine independently developed and designed by the company. This model adopts advanced dry glue transfer printing technology
JYQ - PM型多色平面胶印机是由公司自主研发设计的一款新型平面印刷机,该机型采用先进的干胶转印技术,配合高精的制造工艺、合理的结构、高品质的配件,确保机器耐用、实用、印刷品质高、效率高、操作方便等特点。广泛应用于各种形状平面盒盖等平面的表面图案彩色印刷。
JYQ-PM multi-color flat offset printing machine is a new type of flat printing machine independently developed and designed by the company. This machine adopts advanced dry glue transfer technology, combined with high-precision manufacturing technology, reasonable structure, and high-quality accessories, ensuring the machine's durability, practicality, high printing quality, high efficiency, and easy operation. It is widely used in color printing of surface patterns of various shapes, flat covers and other planes.
1. The machine is equipped with automatic feeding screw cup, cup fast, simple, fast, can adapt to various shapes of flat box cover;
2. The machine is equipped with pre-press flame surface treatment, can make printing patterns more clear, stronger adhesion, greatly improve the printing quality of printing products;
3. 本机采用PLC输入自动控制系统,可设置自动控制机器运行速度,保护机器不受损坏;
3. This machine adopts PLC input automatic control system, can set up automatic control machine running speed, protect the machine from damage;
4. 配备自动堆叠收料系统,可调节尺寸,各种大小的盖子随心调节,方便快捷;
4. Equipped with automatic stacking material collection system, adjustable size, various sizes of the lid adjustment, convenient and quick;
5. 全自动UV固化系统,干燥快,附着力强;
5. Fully automatic UV curing system, fast drying, strong adhesion;
6. 冷却系统采用抽风式设计,冷却快,风道采用多孔式传动皮带,使产品在经过UV固化系统时吸附牢固;
6. The cooling system is designed by air extraction, which is quick in cooling and adopts porous transmission belt in the air passage, so that the product can absorb firmly when it goes through UV curing system
7. 本机采用底座固定式设计结构,底盘更稳定、转动更加平稳,在机械使用寿命以及印刷质量上有很大提高;
7.The machine adopts fixed base design structure, chassis more stable, more stable rotation, in the mechanical life and printing quality has been greatly improved;
8. 本机可印刷最大幅面可达到220*220mm,最大印刷深度可至45mm,最大印刷速度可达10000个/小时;
8. The machine can print up to 220 × 220mm, up to 45mm printing depth, up to 10000/hour printing speed;
9. This machine adopts automatic counting device in the receiving part, which can count accurately.